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On Saturday April 7th 2018 Marina left the earthly dimensions. In silence she remains connected alive forever with everybody.

Important professional statement


Your music on your homepage: so differentiated and wonderfully interpreted,  with simplicity yet infinitely powerful in its message. Romanticism is close to your heart, but Impressionism is rooted in the very depth of your heart’s foundation...

Thoughtfully, with a watchful ear, you follow your music, carrying and balancing it perfectly, sometimes gentle, sometimes with urgency and challenging, thus bestowing on the listener a gift for his heart, never to be forgotten: a certain trust, a solace, strength and an appeal never to give up. It incites to search for paths until we find them – and then travel on them… through your art you are helping people not to be led to act only from their emotions but in particular from love, full of power and hope. In doing this your sound never coerces, but rather invites...wonderful!  Sensitive and authentic. I would say: you are making... honest music.
With your CD my deep respect for you has risen immensly once more ... world class, with an expressive power that conquers the heart, a perfect use of the pedal, an infinite diversity of colours, and beyond your expertise there is a gentle power filled with understanding of music and an intelligence, which flows with strict logic right into the soul.

Martin Messmer, conductor, director of Music school, Switzerland