
zadnja novica

V soboto 7. aprila 2018 se je Marina poslovila iz zemeljskih dimenzij. V tišini ostaja povezana z vsemi za vedno.

2014 April/May - “allegro giovanissimo” easter chamber festival


April 25th-May 6th 2014 at 7.30pm

“allegro giovanissimo” easter chamber festival

Red Hall, Old City Hall “Magistrat” and Kazina Hall


Three consecutive concerts organized by myself under the auspices of the Academy of Music, with the friendly support of the Mayor, and performed by young promising musicians, mostly students and alumni of the Academy (including myself). The program was so varied, that we simply called the first two concerts “musique à la carte”, there was Koechlin and Quantz, Grieg and Lezcano, Mozart and Heucke…we also had a Chinese guest from Warsaw Zhang Yan, and most of the second concert was devoted to harpsichord (class prof. Egon Mihajlović). The third evening was played by Trio Joy with Beethoven Trio op. 1/3 and Trio op. 6 by Slovenian composer Risto Savin.